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Award Nominations 2021

Best Comedy Competition

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Kaalgat Karel

Dir. Meg Rickards

94' • South Africa • 2020

KAREL VENTER lives with his best friend FLIP, and is hooked on the adrenalin buzz as well as the online fame that he achieves by streaking at sports matches. During one disastrous streak at a golf tournament, he runs away from the security officials and impales himself on a palisade fence. Ouch! An alluring paramedic appears with a jaws-of-life tool – RITA SWART. Karel falls head over heels in love. Problem is, Rita is a strait-laced single mom who has no intention of dating a streaker. Will Karel manage to shed his addiction, and to win Rita’s heart away from the terribly eligible plastic surgeon, JEAN-PIERRE DU TOIT? Or will Karel stage a comeback streak, to counter the rising fame of rival streaker VUYO TSHABALALA?

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American Refugees

Dir. Willem Holzer

6' • United States • 2020

Two travel-banned Americans facing dwindling prospects of solving any of their country's political crises set their sights on the European promised land.



Dir. Robin Schüllenbach & Jens Kipper

7' • Germany • 2019

One job, one decision, two points of view.



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